Share your feedback after a Maternity and Newborn Safety Investigations (MNSI) programme investigation or find out how other NHS staff have found the experience.
Share your feedback
When the investigation is complete, we would appreciate your views on our investigation process. We use your feedback to review and improve the way we carry out investigations.
You can give your name, or you can remain anonymous.
Complete our online NHS staff feedback survey or request a paper copy from your investigator.
Feedback from NHS staff
I felt this was a positive experience to be a part of, I was made to feel at ease, as I was worried what this was going to be like as I have not been a part of anything like this before. The staff were really friendly and so nice to talk to I was comfortable speaking to them both.
Interviewers more encouraging, honest, and open than I expected, came across as well-informed, genuinely interested, and motivated to better understand events/improve the standard of care, felt very comfortable responding to their questions. Disappointed by the very limited date options for the interview and short-notice I received, the lack of preparation time really added to my stress/anxiety. The draft and final versions of the report were balanced, factually accurate (the two errors I identified in the draft were both rectified in the final report) and informative, a source of personal learning and reflection, and will hopefully contribute to improving maternity safety at my Trust.
The investigators were very informative, professional, and made me feel comfortable. The questions I was asked were appropriate and I did not feel there was a slant on blame at all. They had been very kind and flexible to reschedule my interview.