We’re a team of patient safety investigation specialists and support staff with a breadth of experience across healthcare and investigative bodies. We’re dedicated to improving maternity safety across the NHS in England.
All NHS trusts are required to tell us about certain patient safety incidents that happen in maternity care. This is so that we can carry out an independent investigation and make safety recommendations and findings to improve services at local level and across the whole maternity healthcare system in England.
Throughout investigations we work closely with the families, NHS trusts and staff involved. We do not place blame on individuals or investigate individual members of NHS staff.
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My clinical background is in nursing and midwifery.
I joined the maternity programme because I have a passion for improving safety in maternity care, and the application of human factors and safety science methodologies excited me. I get the same satisfaction now as the day I first started.
I feel very privileged to work closely with families after an incident. I help them to share their perspective of events and to understand what happened and do the same with clinical staff. I can support them to reflect and debrief after a stressful event.
I am extremely proud to work for MNSI. There is nothing better than switching off my computer at the end of the day knowing that I have contributed to influencing change across the healthcare system at both local and national levels.
As Family Engagement Advisor, I work closely with our maternity investigators and clinical advisors. Their dedication to improve, compassion, and support for all those involved in a patient safety incident is truly humbling. I am proud to be a part of the team. I hope that I am in a small way able to contribute to their efforts in assisting those involved to understand events and improve safety within healthcare.
I joined the Maternity and Newborn Safety Investigations (MNSI) programme after retiring from a long and fulfilling career in the police service. Amongst other roles throughout my policing career, I have been a Senior Investigating Officer (SIO) and a Family Liaison Officer (FLO). This provided me with valuable experience directing investigations and acting as a conduit between an investigation team and a family, ensuring they have the opportunity to be part of the investigation.
My previous career background was in the travel industry. During the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic I made the decision to move into healthcare.
I joined the maternity investigations programme because I was interested in the prospect of joining an organisation that undertakes independent safety investigations into maternity care and that my part could make a real difference.
I get to work with a highly enthusiastic and knowledgeable group of people, some of whom have clinical background and some that do not. Although my team and I are not directly involved in the investigations themselves, the tasks and actions that we undertake daily means that families can understand more about what happened to them and the clinical staff and trusts can learn from it.
I am so proud to work for MNSI and I find it incredibly satisfying and rewarding.